10th October 2009.The weather prevented me having a real work out in Wales so I was anxious to get out. Today was ideal. But where to go ? I decided to explore an area which I imagine most people avoid due to it being very wet under foot. The area I chose was the triangle of land within Chetsford Bridge, Lucott Cross and Aldermans Barrow. Rather than just park up and jump over the hedge I decided to make a walk of it. I parked on Dunkery and walked up to the beacon,
then down across to the hedgerow, which I followed to Porlock Post. I continued across Exford Common, across the road and out onto Almsworthy Common. I entered the triangle onto Hurdle Down and followed a path on the NW side of the marsh through shattered conifers to the stream junction. I looked left up the valley towards the road near Aldermans Barrow and remembered that I had once struggled down through those bogs many years ago. I decided to carry on down stream to the bridge. Still having plenty of time on my hands I continued down Chetsford Water. I soon became aware of stags bolving and herds of deer on each side of the valley.
The above stag was on Great Hill on the north side, he did not appear to be very happy, he was shouting at the herd on the other side of the valley.
This concentration of deer was one of the largest I had seen. I followed the track as it climbed out of the valley disturbing the herd on the south side as I passed. I soon came out on the road down to Nutscale and turned right towards the road leading to Pool Bridge.
From the road I descended into Dady Combe then up onto Stoke Pero Common then down again into Bagley Combe. As I climbed up onto the Dunkery ridge I noticed another herd of deer on the side of the hill to my left. Soon I was back at the beacon, my legs telling me that I had walked further than I had intended.
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